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Oh gosh that was so fun! cant wait for more updates 


could you add the option to change your gym cards? some cards arent too useful in some situations

At least on my browser (firefox) the web version seems to be displaying white boxes instead of character portraits?

try getting the exe ver mb

can you win during the battle with the guy in the forest?

Deleted post

you can but you'll almost HAVE TO cheat to get it 


I remember seeing a comment saying about the Spanish version and I would love to see it although I know it is extra work to make one but I hope you can find someone who can help you and that people who know Spanish know about this project 


i loved the update! a few questions tho. whats that super special event that "may" happen sometimes in the pub? and do you plan on adding a way to increase the max health stat? i really hope so!


That part's just referring to the crafting. I was worried some might miss it by dismissing going to the pub.

Increasing max. weight is not high on the priority list right now, but it will probably happen at some point!

as long as it happens at some point in time id be satisfied! id even be willing to sub to the patreon if it was a patreon only perk or something

[Spoiler on where to find battles]:

- Fishing

- Barbershop

how does one get the barbershop battle?

(1 edit) (+1)

Game is coming along real well - really enjoyable so far! My one gripe is that there's no kind of toggle to tone down or remove the deathy/wheezing type dialogue and flavour text. As someone with health anxiety, it causes a little discomfort for me personally.
And to not leave this on a sour note, I think it would be cool if you had other artists besides yourself come in to design some card art for a handful of cards - would be a really fun touch in my opinion. keep up the great work! :)

(2 edits) (+2)

Overall, much like v0.1, I really enjoyed v0.2. 

You're a very talented writer and artist and this game is really really hot and fun to play. With that said, there are some areas where the game could be improved - I want to give some constructive feedback to help with future development.

First - the good!

- New characters

Loving the new characters and really enjoying interactions with them. I'm so excited for a potential romance route (or routes, I'll date them all and all at once). Stardew valley but with weight gain? Fuck yes.

- Crafting system

The ability to craft cards and customise your own deck adds a lot more depth to the gameplay. Cannot overstate how much more interesting this made combat.

- New gameplay systems

Adding the gym, running, fishing minigames really switches things up and prevents the game from feeling too same-y. This does contribute a teeeeny bit to systems overload on the first playthrough, but overall is a good change.

- This game is POLISHED

Once more I want to give major kudos to you as a writer, artist, and game designer. This is really high quality! The descriptions are hot, the art is great, the gameplay for the most part is polished and just really fun. This at its core is an interesting card game first and a really hot TF game second - a really difficult balance to strike. Aspiring game devs take notes.

Now, before I get onto the bad, I want to give a big disclaimer. I realise that a lot of my gripes here are because this is a prototype; you wanted to prevent the game from feeling too quick, and wanted to make sure the player is incentivised to explore and do more things outside of go to the restaurant and pig out. With that said, some of the ways you did this ended up feeling too punishing. The game feeling a little bit too grindy as a result.

With that out of the way, here are the things I didn't enjoy as much, with some suggestions on how to fix them.

- Time walls. 

The game is currently full of time walls that artificially slow progression. In a game where the hottest parts and the most interesting gameplay is in sequences where you're being forced to gain weight, having the weight loss process take so long creates an unenjoyable experience. This is made worse due to the month-long deadline to wrap up the current arc - at parts CoG was more tedious time-management sim than fun card game. This was compounded upon by the next issue:

- Lockouts. 

Being locked out of locations in the game for a period of several days is frustrating, even moreso with the day/night system. If I pay for a month at the gym, I want to be able to make use of it, dammit, not be locked out of it for 3 days every time. Giving players more ability to lose weight makes it feel so much less punishing to pig out at the restaurant, or spend a day at the barbershop, or fish. 

- Currency.

It was a little bit unclear (at least to start) how some materials are obtained. They do make sense once you realise how it's done, but having some sort of hint or even just outright explanation would be great. I'd also love to be able to make money more consistently, because the current amount does leave me feeling a little starved (heh) for resources.

Now for some suggestions. I've done my best to keep 'em realistic, so that they can be implemented with very minimal additional effort or changes to the current code.

Generally speaking, I think that gameplay would be much more streamlined if the player could only really do one activity per day, instead of two. Buffing the rewards from activities and adding some sort of resource/charge system (even as just an integer) would also do wonders to make gameplay much more streamlined. So with that in mind:

1) Have the gym be MUCH more impactful for weight loss (potentially doubling or tripling the current rate) but have it take up a whole day

Having the ability to lose weight faster makes it feel much less punishing to explore the town, talk to NPCs, and pig out at the restaurant

2) Make the amount of fish you can catch reliant on an external resource (e.g. bait) that can be stockpiled, instead of requiring daily fishing

This lets the player schedule fishing days at times where they progress the story, but prevents the feeling of being starved for materials or currency

Optionally, 3) Add some way to earn money at the restaurant (e.g. washing dishes), or make pigging out free after a certain point

Pigging out feels doubly punishing because it feels like wasting money that you're going to need later in the month and also locks you out of the battle content for longer. To me, it would be really hot if pigging out was a very tempting option that challenged the player's self restraint in some way or another. Have an NPC take a shine to the player and attempt to feed them, with the promises of paying for their meal.

All in all, I had a great time playing. The issues I encountered were quite minor and I have faith that they were mainly due to trying to motivate players to explore instead of getting stuck on one thing. I'm very excited to see how the game keeps growing and developing.


personally I like how toned down and simple the fishing minigame is. really makes you take a breather and chill. Ted is my fav char rn cause he totally matches this vibe x3 also that darwin encounter was excellent

Hi, love the game. Im having problems installing the new android version because it wants to install as an update and i dont have 1.0 on my phone

Huh, that's odd. A few questions:

  • Which phone are you using?
  • Are you using the default Android Package Installer? 
  • Does it give you the option to install the "update" anyways?

LG Stylo 5



Im not sure how but the issue went away on its own, thanks tho


Great update. I really enjoyed the extra locations and activities.
Only minor complaint is i couldn't finish a single lap with jogging and I tried a lot.
Can't wait for the next update!

If you're having trouble with the jogging minigame, there's an option in the settings to slow down the meter!


Amazing job. Like incredible well done so far. Looking forward for updates

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh this is a big step up from the last version!  My last post I requested underwear being in the game, and I noticed that you can see the main character's blue underwear now when he's first getting fattened!  I'd like to just write my wishlist, which is about my own personal underwear and clothing destruction kinks, so please ignore this unless any of these actually sound like something that fits with your vision.

  • Along with future clothing customization, underwear customization!
  • The ability to strip opponents to various states of undress.  While I'd just like it to be something you can enable or disable, like the Patreon nude mode, maybe have it be a consumable item or once-a-battle card that also applies a status effect.  If there's a romance system it could also affect that in whichever way is appropriate for that character. 
  • When clothes are tearing off the body, a visual effect of shredded cloth scattering across the character.
  • For when there are more shirt/pants options, having to go re-stock on clothes that get ripped apart when you're fattened.  As much as I like just having the ability to have clothes re-appear at no cost, the extra steps of having to go to the store totally naked for the cashier to watch you re-buy all of your clothes helps to add to the idea that your character was actually rendered completely naked by his fat growth shredding his clothes into useless scraps.

EDIT:  Just wanted to add some extra thoughts

Things I like:  The glimpses of underwear, the groundwork for the clothing system, the extra opponents to fatten that have been added, though I wish you could go further with them and Cedric (it seems like from dialogue that it'll happen eventually though so I'm hopeful)

Things I don't like:  The mulligan system taking away a card because if you instead save before the match, you can just re-load to get a new, full hand.  Also losing weight partially by needing to do the jogging minigame all the time; I get that maybe that's the point because it's like that IRL, but perhaps an unlock if you do it often enough to enable you to just automatically do it could be a nice QOL improvement down the line.

After seeing the gym I was kind of hoping all the minigames were going to be some kind of turn based.

I don't have to jog do I?  Like for energy zest?


It took me a little bit to figure this out, but you get energy zest when you go back to sleep while it's still bright out (before dusk and night)

That's... rather thematically appropriate.  One of the cards calling for some was something about hibernation.


i still wait 


This is without a doubt the best weight gain game I have ever played! I've always been a fan of strategy/card games and this is just perfect! The story is great, the graphics are beautiful and the gameplay... I have no words to describe how good it is! I'll be happy to tip when I get my money next month! Keep up the good work!

guy made an account just to say this, shoutout 


Love this game! Been searching for a weight gain related game for a long time! Can't wait to see more!


when is the full game coming out i kept thinking that i got the full game but it says it ends if any one have the full gmae please leve it in the comments thank you 


The downloads that are available here are the current version, the game isn't finished yet. Once any updates come out, they will be announced here.


I love it! <3 hope some bad endings are added in =3 always love seeing the main character grown fat beyond control


I keep checking back everyday. Can't wait for the next update!!


Hey Oakfells! I've played this game a few times and I'm amazed at how great it is! Loving it so far, and can't wait to see more. You've done an amazing service for this community, this is the best feederism game I've played by far. It's about time. Keep up the great work, you've got my full support and I'm going to throw some money at you. 


Nope. Tom is too difficult to beat.


I think you just need to get better at the game. If you're struggling with Tom, you can forget about the guy after. 

To the creator - Tom is too difficult to beat. If you want it to be fair, get RID of the  2x EXERCISE and 1x KEEP PUMPING for +6 fitness that he uses EVERY SINGLE TIME to make a turn basically useless.


The scene in the forest is intentionally designed so the player loses, so rest assured, the difficulty is intentional! The fights after this should be much more manageable.


I really like this game so far! Great gameplay, nice story, nice art!

I just wish for the belly to remain a little more round (like in the screens), instead of total chubby, if there was an option it would be incredibly cool!

Thanks for the game!

you should make it work with touchscreens.

Any tips on beating Vernon?

If it's even possible to do so since Tom is kinda tough already.

im 90% certain that you are meant to lose to vernon. I think they wanted to introduce the mechanics/charecters involved with you losing a figh


Is it possible to beat tom

(2 edits) (+1)

Yes, it is. Beat him with a full offence deck focusing on card draw to abuse Raid The Pantry, and adding weight to yourself for more energy. At 20+ weight with some decent luck you can pull your entire deck in a single turn, and at 45+ weight you do it extremely consistently. Need some luck against Cedric to end the fight in 2 turns, but Tom isn't impossible. 

Deck used: 3x Feed, 3x You Want More?, 1x Drink It All Up, 1x Seconds?, 2x Indulgent Stuffing, 1x Mutual Gaining, 1x Menu for Two, 1x Fit Feeder, 1x Lazy Day (can discard after 45+), 1x Raid The Pantry.

You can drop several You Want More? if you want a semi-infinite, but you the burst you gain makes it more difficult to pick up the combo if you get unlucky pulling from GY.

(3 edits)

I'm not sure it is possible to beat Tom as, when you beat Cedric you come out with:

1x  Drink It All Up

3x Exercise

3x Feed

1x Fit Feeder

2x Indulgent Stuffing

1x Lazy Day

2x Menu For Two

1x Mutual Gaining

1x Seconds

1x This Hand Sucks

3x You Want More?

So I don't know what cheats you're using to get RAID THE PANTRY, since there's no-one else to fight and nowhere to get Extra Cards.

I agree with the original poster above. Coming out of the fight with Cedric with 22/54 weight, a hand size of 7, and only 12 unique cards... it's not possible.

I am on my sixth attempt at Tom now and I just keep failing and failing since he's not possible to beat. I can get him to 40 when he gets me to 54.

Is there any way to make the game easier, to guarantee Tom is beatable? He can stack up to 7 fitness on a single turn, rigging the fight in his favour.

In one turn, he uses 2x EXERCISE and 1x KEEP PUMPING for +6 fitness! HOW DO YOU BEAT THAT!?


Amazing game so far! I love it and can't wait for updates!


Also, I see a bit of criticism about the actual mechanics of the game, but I for one like everything about it. Especially the text after winning and losing, that's some good writing right there. I look forward to seeing what you do in the future. Please keep this game going!

Hi!!! I loved your game! If I may ask, what's it coded in?


Hey there! It's made in Godot using Gdscript.

Cool! Thank you

How do you beat Tom?


umm critique. 

> Weight retaining after battles (eventhough i presume this'll be the purpose of the gym in future) is irritating and cringe

>Having a seperate stat other than energy weight and fitness to call on would be cool eg something like a libido system. Having a limited deck to call on seems interesting, maybe libido could affect that.  Aswell as that in the beta test fight i remember kinda fetishy self damaging cards with no affect on enemy. A libido mechanic that acted as a damage boost (think megaten tarukaja) seems like a good

Fitness stacking seems really OP.

>Some times the skin tones end up muddy in art. Make sure to hue shift and not just go to straight up darker tones to avoid the skin becoming muddy. Your style is really nice to look at -- even in a non sexual way -- but it is a bit bland in color (though if that's what you're going for more power to you)

>In a lore perspective why dont they just spam fitness skills then end the fight (like the guy does at beginning) with a teammate they trust out of the fight and get easy gains.

So to test what happens with vernon i set my hp really high but after hitting a certain cap this happened ummm

if you win against vernon the outcome was surprising tho 

how did you raise your health

i went into appdata and modified the game health information, but it meant that it bugged my sprite lmao 

hey, do you know if you can still do that in the newer version? every time I try editing my save file, it doesn't let me load it and keeps saying it's corrupted

do it with cheat engine

yesss update

Hello friend, how can I save the game in the android version, sorry if it is not well understood, I am from Argentina and I used google translator


Hello! You can save on the map using the menu bar. 


Huff man this game is my kind of thing but goodness I can't wait for the next update also maybe a free play mode for those who just want to battle without the story elements


Very interesting and fun game so far!  Any chance for there to be "positive" reasons to be fat besides the extra perks in fights?  Or a way to customize your body type (like ball bellied versus flabby, etc.?)


Hey there! If you mean positives outside of battle, there aren't any particularly significant ones or ones high on the priority list right now. But there are a few things on the idea list! Customizable body types are very unlikely for reasons that will become clear in the next update... if everything goes right.


Awesome game man! Really enjoyed the card mechanics and watching those guys blimp up :D


Wonderful game! i really love it and vernon was an awesome challenge! will you ever release a download link for MacBooks?

(1 edit)

Hey there! Unfortunately there likely won't be a macOS version in the foreseeable future, as exporting to macOS has quite a few requirements that I can't meet right now. In the same vein there probably won't be an iOS version for similar reasons.


Oakfells, my  man! This game is really incredible so far. I absolutely love the stages of WG, the new characters are great, the card game is solid and really fun, and I love that you put a few tough-but-achievable things for us to do until the next update.  The baseline you've made looks really solid and I CANNOT wait to see your next update!

There is definitely a dearth of high-quality, horny gainer games on the web. Thank you, with all my heart, for putting a big, beautiful dent in the problem. <3

Thank you for the beautifully worded and kind words! :D Hopefully the next update will also be worth the wait.

(1 edit) (+1)

A friend of mine linked this game to me and I was really surprised at how well-balanced the gameplay is! Also: great art, great text, great characters, great sound, great animations. Very addicting. 

I also managed to beat Vernon after a few tries, but it took some careful planning.

I'd like to meet that fellow that's at the beginning again, too. 

I love love love Ricky and his snout and ears. A real cutie.

Sent it to my other gainer friends. I'll probably also budget for your Patreon.  Thanks for making an awesome game!

Thank you for all the kind words! Say thank you to your friend for me, and thank you too for sharing and supporting the project! :)

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